Rabu, 30 Mei 2012


oh my.................... I love giveaway!!!! aku suka gratisan!!!

This is a Special Birthday Giveaway from Ideku Handmade to celebrate Puri's big day few days ago. Puri is turned 27 and she was grateful for what she got along this year. God is sooooo kind all the time.  So, Ideku Handmade will give you a very special prize in this time.

Here's the list for 8 lucky readers:
- 1 Birdie Purse made by H&M (she got when she was on Eurotrip last Dec, lucky you :*)
- 1 Ms. Foxie Purse made by H&M (yes, this is also from Europe)
- 1 Post-It Notes Green
- 1 Post-It Notes Blue
- 1 Post-It Notes Red
- 1 Martha Stewart's Big Book
- 1 Rabbit Doll made by Ideku Handmade
- 1 Mushroom Plushie made by Ideku Handmade

How to win it?
- Follow Ideku Handmade's Blog
- Join Ideku Handmade Page on Facebook
- Join Ideku Handmade Twitter
- You don't need to choose what prize you like because I will pick the prize randomly for the winners.
- Leave a comment about Ideku Handmade. Anything :) And don't forget to put your e-mail.
- Put the Birthday Giveaway button on your sidebar.
- Please kindly repost this Birthday Giveaway as much as you can. And give the link to this blog.

And the most important thing is: Ideku Handmade Birthday Giveaway is open for EVERYBODY in this beautiful world!! I will sellect the winners randomly on June 30, 2012.


Minggu, 27 Mei 2012

Bapak, Emak............. Aku LULUS!!!!!

Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah. I passed national exam!!!!!  Aku persembahakan kelulusan ini kepada Alm. Bapak, dan Alm.Emak semoga kalian bangga padaku. (I present this to the graduation for my alm. Father , and alm.mother hopefully you proud of me)  I LOVE YOU!!

thank you for loving me all along live. We will meet again. btw, thanks too for my brothers, who always support me. I LOVE YOU BRO!!
the photo above was took for along time ago, I forgot when was. hehe.

and for my friends see you soon, I wil really miss you guys!!! :') succes for you all.....

and for all my readers thank you for praying for me. love you alll :)
another special thanks for IBU IS, Ibu Suhaemah, and Pak Handi who alway being patient to hear and answer me. love you all.....
ps. i wanna cry now

Rabu, 16 Mei 2012

Try to Cook

Hi all! How are you? I try to cook today. What I cook? I just mixing what I have in my refrigator. Flavour, union, garlic, chili, MSG (its not health I know) tomato, and anything else. What the result? Here you are....
PS. Don't ask me about the taste. Actually the taste was bad. =(

Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012

what you must know...

halloo all..... now I will for answering all of your Question.
1.Q : penasaran banget aku kenapa namanya kakaroher... by pieces of universe
   A : sejarahnya..... hehe (lebay) aku itu adalah anak tertua ke2 dikelas setelah Reza, terus aku juga ga punya adik, jadilah aku di panggil kakak, kalo sejarahny Roher itu ledekan dari temen waktu aku kelas 1 SMA. jadilah aku di panggil kaka Roher. biar kesannya ga terlalu formal ajah. the end. lol

now, any question?? if no more, i will show you my recently photos.  I love this colection!! I forget who is the designer. but I LOVE IT!! btw i got the photos from Vogue.com


Sabtu, 05 Mei 2012

Hello Jakarta

Hi all! Are you miss me? I think no. Haha
It's just express post. I'm in Jakarta now. But its very not fun! I hate it!
I arrived at 13.00 last friday, and now I really miss my home! I wanna go home! :'(
I'll tell you as soon as I can.